A.V. Ivanov's List of Publications (English)
Articles in journals:
1. Nesterenko P.N., Ivanov A.V. Compexing Properties of Polybuffer-Ion Exchanger PBE-
94 and their Application for the Separation of Transition Metals. // Vestnik Moskovskogo
universiteta, Khimiya. (Moscow University Bulletin, Chemistry). 1992. V.33. N 6. P.574-578. (Russian).
2. Ivanov A.V., Figurovskaya V.N., Ivanov V.M. Molecular Absorption Spectroscopy of 4-
(2-Pyridilazo)resorcinol Complexes as Alternative for the Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy. // Vestnik Moskovskogo universiteta, Khimiya. (Moscow University Bulletin, Chemistry). 1992. V.33. N 6. P.570-574. (Russian).
3. Ivanov A.V., Anurov V.L., Efimov I.P., Ivanov V.M. Analysis of Tungsten-Aluminium-Nickel Catalyst. // Vestnik Moskovskogo universiteta, Khimiya. (Moscow University Bulletin, Chemistry). 1993. V.34. N 3. P.283-287. (Russian).
4. Nesterenko P.N., Ivanov A.V. Detection of Transition Metals during their Separation in
Isoconductive pH-Gradient. // J.Chromatogr. 1994. V.671. N 1-2. P.95-99.
5. Nesterenko P.N., Ivanov A.V. Applicability of Chromatofocusing to the Concentration and Separation of Transition Metals with Tetraethylenepentamine Bonded Silica. //
Mendeleev Communication. 1994. N 5. P.174-176. (English).
6. Ivanov A.V., Zheligovskaya N.N., Nesterenko P.N. Individuality Control of cis-
Diamminedichloroplatinum by HPLC on a Complexing Sorbent. // Zhurnal analiticheskoy
khimii (Russian J. Analytical Chemistry). 1995. V.50. N 2. P.190-195 (Russian), P.174-178
(English version).
7. Nesterenko P.N., Ivanov A.V., Galeva N.A., Seneveratne J.B.Ch. Complexing and Acid-
Base Properties of Silica Gels Modified with Olygoethyleneamines. // Zhurnal
analiticheskoy khimii (Russian J. Analytical Chemistry). 1997. V.52. N 8. P.814-820
(Russian), P.736-742 (English version).
8. Garmash A.V., Tessman A.B., Ivanov A.V., Nesterenko P.N. Physicochemical Model and
Numerical Simulation of Formation of Internal Linear pH-Gradients in Chromatography
Columns. // Zhurnal fizicheskoy khimii (Russian J. Physical Chemistry). 1997. V.71. N 9.
P.1683-1689 (Russian), P.1514-1520 (English version).
9. Garmash A.V., Tessman A.B., Ivanov A.V., Nesterenko P.N. Calculation of Internal Linear pH-Gradients in Chromatofocusing. // Zhurnal fizicheskoy khimii (Russian J.Physical Chemistry). 1997. V.71. N 10. P.1872-1876 (Russian), P.1690-1693 (English version).
10. Garmash A.V., Tessman A.B., Ivanov A.V., Nesterenko P.N. // Simulation of the Effect
of Inert Components of Eluent on the pH-Gradient during Chromatofocusing. // Zhurnal
fizicheskoy khimii (Russian J.Physical Chemistry). 1997. V.71. N 11. P.2054-2059
(Russian), P.1858-1862 (English version).
11. Ivanov A.V., Kitiashvili K.D., Ivanov V.M. Determination of Oxoplatinum (IV)
Individuality by HPLC. // Vestnik Moskovskogo universiteta, Khimiya. (Moscow University
Bulletin, Chemistry). 1998. V.39. N 2. P.109-111. (Russian).
12. Tessman A.B., Ivanov A.V., Kurochkina E.V., Garmash A.V., Nesterenko P.N. Modeling of Internal Linear pH-gradients in Chromatofocusing. // Teoriya i praktika sorbtsionnykh processov (Theory and Practice of Sorption Processes). 1998. V.23. P.347-358 (Russian).
13. Ivanov A.V., Kurochkina E.V., Nesterenko P.N. Effect of Eluent Ionic Strength on Internal pH-Gradient in Complexation Chromatography of Transition Metals. // Zhurnal fizicheskoy khimii (Russian J.Physical Chemistry). 1998. V.72. N 6. P.1129-1132 (Russian), P.1008-1011 (English version).
14. Garmash A.V., Tessman A.B., Nesterenko P.N., Ivanov A.V. Modeling of of the Internal
pH-Gradient in Chromatofocusing. // Fresenius' J. Anal. Chem. 1998. V.361. N 3. P.274-275.
15. Nesterenko P.N., Kitiashvili K.D., Ivanov A.V. Chromatographic Behavior of Platinum
(II) Complexes with Sulphurcontaining Reagents and 1,10-Phenanthroline or 2,2'-Bipyridyl.
// Vestnik Moskovskogo universiteta, Khimiya. (Moscow University Bulletin, Chemistry).
1999. V.40. N 1. P.30-33. (Russian).
16. Ivanov A.V., Nesterenko P.N. Formation of Induced Internal pH-Gradients and Transition Metals Separation at Using Multicomponent Mobile Phases. // Izvestiya VUZov, Khimaya i khimtekhnologiya (Russian Bulletin of High schools, Chemistry and chemical technology). 1999. V.42. N 2. P.122-128. (Russian).
17. Tessman A.B., Ivanov A.V., Nesterenko P.N., Garmash A.V. Generation of Anomalous Regions of Internal pH-Gradient in Chromatofocusing. // Teoriya i praktika sorbtsionnykh processov (Theory and Practice of Sorption Processes). 1999. V.24. P.20-22 (Russian).
18. Ivanov A.V., Nesterenko P.N. Formation of Induced pH-Gradients and its Application in
Chromatography for Transition Metals Separation. // Vestnik Moskovskogo universiteta,
Khimiya. (Moscow University Bulletin, Chemistry). 1999. V.40. N 3. P.155-160. (Russian).
19. Ivanov A.V., Tessman A.B. On-line Control of Effluent pH in Chromatography with
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